To registered see below the link to sign up.

Qualifying Words
1. GOD: (noun)
2. Boy: (noun)
3. Girl: (noun)
4. Jesus: (noun)
5. Pastor: (noun)
6. Book: (noun)
7. Bee: (noun)
8. Good: (adj)
9. Bad: (adj)
10. Presume: (verb) to take for granted, assume, or suppose
11. Beggar: (noun) a person who begs alms or lives by begging.
12. Hero: (noun) a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character:
13. Janitor: (noun) a person employed in an apartment house, office building, school, etc., to clean the public areas, remove garbage, and do minor repairs
14. Television: (noun) the transmission of programming, in the form of still or moving images, via radio waves, cable wires, satellite, or wireless network to a receiver or other screen.
15. Participant: (noun) a person or group that participates
16. Saga: (noun) any narrative or legend of heroic exploits
17. Mission: (noun) a group or committee of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide scientific and technical assistance, or the like
18. Terror: (noun) an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror
19. Tournament: (noun) a trial of skill in some game, in which competitors play a series of contests:
High school
20. Unconscious: (adj) without awareness; not conscious.
21. Vengeance: (noun) punishment inflicted for wrong done.
22. Audacious: ( adj ) extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless:
23. Intrinsic: ( adj ) belonging to a thing by its very nature:
24. Violate: (adj)to act against (a law, principle, promise, agreement, instruction, etc.); break, transgress, or fail to honor:
25. Tantamount: (adj)
26. equivalent, as in value, force, effect, or signification:
27. Obsessive: (adj) being, pertaining to, or resembling an obsession:
28. Scrutinize: (verb) to examine in detail with careful or critical attention.
29. Minuscule: (adj) very small.
30. Introspective: (adj) the act or process of looking into oneself.
31. Inundate: (verb) to flood; cover or overspread with water;
32. Precocious: (adjective) unusually mature, most especially in mental development.
33. Liaison: (noun) a person who maintains connections between people or groups.
34. Surveillance: (noun) continuous observation of a place, person or activity in order to gather information.
35. Conscientious: (adjective) careful, particular, taking great care.
36. Philanthropist: (noun) a person, typically a wealthy one, who has an altruistic concern for human welfare and shows it by donating money, property, time, or work to aid people in need or to support institutions that serve the public:
37. Nauseating: (adj) causing sickness of the stomach
38. Evanescent: (adj) vanishing; fading away
39. Merchandise: (noun) the manufactured goods bought and sold in any business
40. Homogeneous: (adj) composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind
41. Transept: (noun) the short area that trans-versing the long-side of a church and giving the church the shape of a cross when viewed from above.
42. Semaphore: (noun) system of sending signals by using two flags that are hand-held
43. Sacrilegious: (adjective) committing excessive irreverence towards a hallowed place, thing, or thing
44. Filibuster: (noun) the use of irregular or obstructive tactics by a member of a legislative assembly to prevent the adoption of a measure generally favored or to force a decision against the will of the majority.
45. Mayonnaise: (noun) a thick dressing of egg yolks, vinegar or lemon juice, oil, and seasonings, used for salads, sandwiches, vegetable dishes, etc.
46. Theocracy: (noun) a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
47. Iota: (noun) a very small quantity
48. Abhorrence: (noun)a feeling of extreme repugnance or aversion; utter loathing; abomination
49. Tourniquet: (noun) any device for arresting bleeding by forcibly compressing a blood vessel, as a bandage tightened by twisting.
50. STATIONERY: (noun) writing materials, as pens, pencils, paper, and envelopes.
Note: Next spelling bee tournament to have a registration on church website.
Spelling bee list of words to be on church website for participant to study on the week of the qualify test.